Academic Essay Writing

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The Abstract, Introduction, And Conclusion Of A Dissertation

A good number of people will probably consider stressing on writing a perfect introduction and abstract. The parts are among the first instances one will read. But then, this should not always be the case. It can also be far much better when you consider writing these areas after tackling every other part of a dissertation. By doing such, there is a greater chance of saving time, matching ideas in the right way, and finally having an accurate abstract.

The following is a step by step guide of how you can handle each of the stated sections; introduction, abstract, and conclusion.

The Introduction

Generally, a good introduction of a dissertation should not miss out on background information of your research, the value of research, the focus of the study, research targets, and objectives, among others. You will prioritize the background information of your research in any given introduction. After this, you can opt to add essential information that can fit or feature in the introduction. Lengthwise, there is no restriction for the size of an introduction but it is good to come up with a sizeable and meaningful introduction.

The introductory background section

In the background section of your introduction, you will need to attract and pull the reader into your topic of interest. Here, you can point out the task you are currently addressing. Most people are likely to fail in this section by pointing out how they are interested in the study area. A good background should point out on the critical fields of your study. It will prepare the reader in advance. Also, do not write too much or too little, one to two pages will be quite good.

The Conclusion

Divide the conclusion of your dissertation into three sections; research objectives, recommendations, and contribution to knowledge.

The Abstract

This section is one of the key influential parts of the dissertation. While writing an abstract, ensure to involve research methods used, statement of the problem, findings, main conclusions, and recommendations. It should be neat and written in a sizeable paragraph.

Avoiding too many acronyms in the abstract is an excellent practice. Write an appealing abstract and get set for wonderful results.

These are likely the preferable ways you can opt to handle the introduction, conclusion, and abstract of a given dissertation.

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